About Us

ragatuition.com is an online marketplace which connects students/parents with private tutors in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. It's been developed and conceptualized to serve the need for home and private tutoring for students across academic levels. These days, vast academic curriculum in our schools and colleges means students are finding it exceedingly difficult and stressful to cope with it, given the peer/family pressure and various co-curricular activities.

ragatuition.com, has thousands of tutors registered and offers a reliable as well as a convenient solution to address the aforementioned needs. We have adopted a professional and methodical approach to by ensuring tutors and parents are under one roof. Our registered tutors are well-qualified, are themselves pass outs from premier educational institutes. They facilitate learning of students by a combination of right coaching, guidance according to the students' learning styles.


 What got us started?

ragatuition.com was born with a mission of improving the educational status on the next generation of students in India. We understand that students do need personalized attention and guidance to strengthen fundamentals and to be a star performer. Home/private tutoring provides students an opportunity to clarify the simplest of doubts/queries by directly interacting with the tutor. Hence, it enables easy and hassle-free learning for students without the worry of classroom competition. However, finding a right and qualified tutor is a big challenge for the parents. We want to help students/parents find better tutors who can help their child achieve excellent grades. With this idea ragatuition.com was formed.

Mission: To play a crucial role in home and private tutoring space by helping aspiring tutors and students come together.


Why home tutoring is good for all students?


Students who do not take notes can retain only 10% of lessons. Home tutoring helps in reviewing and revisiting these lessons.

Home tutoring motivates students and assists them in their assignments, homework and projects.

Home tutors can work at child's pace and give one-to-one attention.

Private tutoring is extremely flexible and convenient.

Home tutors give students opportunity to pre-learn a concept and increase the class participation in school.

Home tutor prepares study timetable, revision schedule and tips and tricks to do well in examination.

Home tutors give personalized attention to students thus frequently providing detailed constructive feedback.

Apart from teaching core subject, home tutor also teaches vital study skills like improving the analytical and reasoning skills of students.

Students get access to best study material possible and extra set of textbooks.