Tutors for Home Tuition and Private Tuition Jobs in Hyderabad.


I have a talents to handle all kids with a good manner


I have been teaching Carnatic music vocal. I also teach light music, annamacharya keertanas. I teach music as to promote good music to all levels of people. I also take home tuition's. I also take online classes. The priority is given to music in all means by me.


i am a tutor having 17 years of exp in teaching. My educational quaification is M.Sc in Maths.


Hi I'm a teacher, working in a reputed school at Begumbazar and also looking for home tution.


As a tutor, I taught so many students during my engineering study and I can adapt myself to the students' mindset very easily and can make the subjects easily understandable.


I have 6 years of experience in tuitions. All the subjects i can teach and important part is all my students passed their subjects with flying colours.


I am a ca article student. Searching for home tuition job especially on mornings


I am good at addressing students problem what ever subject may be maths and science etc.In my recent years i have taught 5-10 standards.


I am doing my B.Com honours at Aurora degree college done with my 2nd yr my B.Com percentage is 85% I am teaching since 3 yrs ...


A soft highly talented individual, with excellent communicative skills and abilty to deliver subject.